Email Marketing: The New Rolodex

The Rolodex

The Rolodex

If you’ve ever sat down with me or had a quick chat about email marketing, it’s most likely that you have heard me say (more times than once) that your email list is your new Rolodex. I usually receive a tilt of the head that is accompanied by a perplexed, or surprised, look when I offer that statement.

If you’ve been reconsidering your email marketing plan, or if you don’t have one, this blog is meant to help you take that conversation to the next level.

Let’s be honest, the world has changed. And, whether B2B, B2C, or just personal…email is the way we communicate these days. Why is that?

  • Email is personal
  • Email is private
  • Email gets to the point (or, it should!)
  • But mostly….Email is convenient.

You can read it now, file it for later, or simply get the info you needed and delete it. That simple.

It’s not uncommon for me to be asked,  “…but is B2B different than B2C?” Yes, it is. The techniques and strategies are out there if you want them. But the point is, just be sure you are working toward getting yourself, your product or your company out there.

You might find these stats interesting to prime the pump:

  • 88% receive personal and business emails in the same inbox.
  • and, with 42% of all email in a person’s inbox considered by that recipient to be essential or critical…
  • Basically? Just do it!

If you’re still not quite sold on an email marketing plan, read on. I promise to keep it short and to the point.  Here are some key thoughts:

Mobile Phones & Tablets

Mobile Phones & Tablets

1. Think Mobile

It’s  important to remember that email is always changing. If you hadn’t already noticed, it’s gone mobile—for now. Few are receiving information while sitting at their laptop. These days, it’s all about instant information that is being sent to the very person you want to connect with, when YOU want to connect with them. Many people read their email from some type of mobile device. That’s why you’ll want to make sure your email, as we say in this industry, “renders well on mobile devices.” (Fancy words for, “make sure it looks good on all various and sundry electronic devices before you send it.”)

2. Think Professional

You have a lot of competition out there. Be sure your email looks great and stands out from the rest. Don’t be a copy cat. We’ve seen people copy other peoples email sends. Remember—people notice. Sure, there are best practices, but work to create your own look and be sure it is one that represents your brand best! We suggest a designed email that is branded. One that really pops. Emails that are specifically crafted are received well—and you feel great when you send one out. If your email service provider doesn’t offer branded templates, if you don’t know what to do with them even if you do, or, if you don’t have access to someone who can help with that function,  you might want to rethink your current plan. Be sure you collect all of the pieces you need and desire in order to make your email look fabulous.

The Strategy

The Strategy

3. Think Strategic
The goal of email marketing is to stay top of mind. That means you need to not only be out there, and be seen, but you need to be consistent. You’ll want to set a strategy, create and provide compelling and effective content, and stay on schedule!

And, finally, just a word of encouragement. Don’t be afraid to send too many emails. Some best practices show companies sending one per week. Yes, that’s four a month, but studies show that it works. It may not feel comfortable for you, your business, and your industry, to be that frequent, but if your competition is already doing it, it’s time to think further on the issue.  It can be different for everyone, so don’t look at stats to compare. Find what works for your business and/or situation. But if frequency is a hot button for you, here’s a couple of stats that might help:

  • If you double the amount of your email sends, and your click through rate drops 20%, your results are still better than before overall.
  • If your normal click through rate is 10%, and you double your sends, and see your email click through rate go down, as long as you stay above 5% your are still getting more raw clicks. You are actually getting more clicks than you were before.
  • The more emails you send the lower your subscription rate. Why? Because you are culling your list. The people who remain really like you, believe in what you have to offer, and plan to stick around. They are your true customer!


There now, that wasn’t too painful, was it? If the above data was already familiar to you or felt elementary, good job! You are well on your way. If some of it sounded a bit Greek to you, please remember, that’s why we’re here. If we can answer any of your questions, we’d love to connect. Why not…shoot us an email?


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Stephanie Huffman is the founder and CEO of Epiphany Creative Services. When she’s not meeting with a client or chatting it up with an E-team member, she can be seen enjoying time at home with her black Labrador Retriever, Bosco.

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