Is Entrepreneurship a gift?

As we exit November (which was Entrepreneurship Month) and head into December preparing to wrap up 2022 , we found ourselves here at Epiphany taking a good hard look at what makes one entrepreneur successful and another…well, not so much.


If Entrepreneurship is a gift, and if you have it, is it one you wish to keep? Or, if you had to do it over again…would you return to sender?


For those of you who currently own or run a business, if you survived COVID, you need to celebrate this year. For those of you just starting out, you need to make friends with folks fast who fit the above description.


For those of you considering starting a business, same advice above suggested; however, also find someone who’s at about the same place in their venture as you are so that you can commiserate together and encourage each other along the way. Put yourselves on speed dial in each others’ phones, and schedule dates in your calendar to connect monthly—at the least!


Many people want to own their own businesses so they can control their schedule. The funny thing is, once you own a business or start to run one, you discover it’s on your mind 24/7. And too, anyone working with or for you doesn’t seem to have questions or needs that stay within the Monday – Friday, 9 to 5 timeframes. It’s just simply non-stop. [We can see you nodding your head.]


To be honest, after being in this business here at Epiphany (we’re going on 10 years in 2023—yay!) we’ve seen many business owners come and go. Some had great ideas, some had good intentions, some were chaotic, some were organized, some had doctorates or MBA’s some didn’t…it really didn’t matter. The one thing that kept them going? They were determined to learn, pivot, and make it work. They never gave up. They never gave in. Defeat was simply not an option. If they hit a detour in the road, they looked for the nearest exit and regardless of the extra miles, flat tires, bumps or mud, they simply kept going. Always asking, always learning, and always fighting to go to that next level.


But when we took a deeper look, we had to admit—we humans are simply all wired differently.


The Entrepreneur journey just isn’t for everyone. And that’s a good thing!


Think about it. I am grateful for the person who didn’t go to college but chose to be a plumber or an electrician, or join the US Military. When a specialist or contractor comes to my home or office, I couldn’t care less about their college education. Just don’t blow up my house! When I go to a restaurant, it doesn’t make the Chef a better chef if they went to Harvard. I want them to be excellent at their craft, I want to enjoy the meal, and I want to know I won’t get sick!


The same goes for Entrepreneurs. You may not have started out with a well-crafted business plan, you may have had no clue about taxes, LLC or C corp, payroll taxes, W2s vs. 1099s or scaling your business. But somehow, you’re still here— and you made it! Still grinding away, thriving, whatever your status.


We applaud those of you who stayed the course this year, investing in your brand and committed to leveling up at each opportunity. It’s been an honor to partner with you. Thank you for allowing us to serve you! And here’s to your continued success!


And for those of you still scratching your head (or those stress hives) and feeling a bit stuck or reeling from the past few years, we get it. That’s why we created Epiphany U—just for you! It covers all types of business and organizational issues, meets you where you’re at now, and works to keep you moving forward and in the right direction. Just click here to learn more. 


If you’d like some encouragement or just want to figure out a few next steps for 2023, we’d love to come alongside and join you in your journey. We’re here for you! Email us today and let’s talk about what taking your product, passion, or project to the next level can look like.

Here’s to a fantastic new year and to a successful venture on your part. — Cheers!

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